Make Hiring Fair & Opportunity Accessible!
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Skills Platform | Make Hiring Fair & Opportunity Accessible!
Glider AI Skills Validation Platform, Awarded Top 50 AI Software by G2 and SIA winner for most innovative HR technology, provides hiring solutions to help employers and staffing firms screen, assess, interview, and upskill talent.
Other / technology
Glider AI Skills Platform Make
Make talent quality your competitive advantage.
Recruiter-centric AI
Join the recruiting revolution! Recruiter-centric AI that delivers talent quality, hiring cost efficiencies, and a better recruiter experience.
The minds behind Glider AI...
Glider an A.I. powered evaluation engine for companies to build great teams with qualified candidates that precisely match their competency requirements!
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AI, friend or foe? 300 TA/HR leaders reveal the impact of AI recruiting
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