We Help People Get Jobs
Let’s rebuild the world of work, together. You're here to hire. We're here to help.
Indeed, the world’s #1 job site, connects millions of job seekers and employers globally. With over 350 million monthly visitors, it offers job searches, resume posting, and company research in 60+ countries. Powered by AI, Indeed helps over 3 million employers find and hire new talent, making job matching and hiring efficient and effective.
Free Service
Indeed is a free platform which makes it accessible for everyone and removes a financial barrier for job searching and recruitment.
Advanced Search
Indeed offers powerful search filters that allow job seekers to refine their search by industry, location, company size, salary range, and even specific skills.
Mobile App
Indeed's mobile app provides a convenient way for job seekers to search for jobs, manage applications, and receive job alerts on the go.
The minds behind Indeed...
We are committed to making a positive impact on society by connecting people to better work to create better lives.
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